This increases the likelihood of angina, and/or a heart attack.

Cardiovascular disease – Severe COVID-19 infection increases the strain on your heart, as it beats harder and faster due to infection, in an effort to help with oxygenation, and thwarted by dehydration and increasing resistance from trying to pump blood into diseased lung tissue.If you have these clinical signs, you need to be getting urgent medical help as these are signs COVID-19 has passed from a moderate to a severe infection. People with severe breathing difficulties often complain that their chest, tummy, or back hurts, due to the mechanical strain of breathing. Strain from breathing – If you watch someone with severe breathing difficulties, you will notice them using their neck muscles to draw up the chest and suck air into the lungs, and sometimes flaring of the nostrils.In addition, you may also find it harder and harder to walk around, manage the stairs, or do your daily activities.

If this is starting to interfere with daily activities, for example, you can't finish a sentence without taking a breath, or it's hard to eat or drink, this is a bad sign.